Why I voted: response to non-voters…

9 11 2012

Personally, I don’t get angry/mad about those who don’t/didn’t vote. I voted. Not as a follower. I voted because I feel that it is my duty as an African American. I vote because I know that it effects change. Did I like this political campaign? No. Do I care for politics in general? No. However, do I feel that our vote matters? Yes. Without the vote, affirmative action would never have taken place. Without the popular vote, unrighteous men who discriminate against my people would still remain in control throughout our country. Without the vote, so many would not have had the right to the education which provided them the intellect to think for themselves; to make the decision not to vote. Without the vote, I as a black woman would not have the right to post opinions in a public forum such as this. So, do I agree with every decision that the man whom I voted for made? No. Do I think that I will agree with every decision that he will make over the next four years? No. Sometimes I am able to vote with a strong conviction about the candidate for whom I am voting. More often than not, most times my vote means choosing the lesser of the two evils. However, I will always exercise this right that so many people labored and died for me to have. But, I am not mad at you. My vote means that you will continue to have the right not to do so

Hello world!

27 08 2012

Hello All,

I decided to start this blog to chronicle my thoughts, hopes, dreams, etc.  So, as long as wordpress exists, there will be a record that Yvette Jones-Flounoy existed :-) !  It is 6:56am on August 27, 2012 so I don’t have time right now to say much more–time to make the donuts!!

Back at you  later world…